SouTh Africa News:Spotlight on « Tim Hogins » a South African Success Story from Security Guard to multi-millionaire!

« In collaboration with Face 2 to Face Africa »-« Photo »:Tim Hogins a south african success story. »The Subtitle,Title and Conclusion are from « Médias Miroir-Paris ».

This is our spotlight on the success story of the south african Man who rose from security guard to multi-million dollar business owner.
Tim Hogings grew up as a poor township kid in South Africa.He watched kids piled into buses heading to Suncity every weekend knowing he could not afford to join them on such pleasurable journeys.

However,he promised himself one day,he would built a park that anyone could visit,particularly underprivileged kids like him.Hogins spent the next 30 days of his life working to make his vision a reality.

-« Down the line,strength and growth come through continuous effort and struggle.You Can do it, never give up »!