(« Politics and Racism in (USA):(« Ronald Reagan » Was the « Most Racist US PRESIDENT » Not (Donald Trump)!


-(Closely with « Face 2 Face Africa »)-(« The Title,Subtitle and intro » are from our (Staff)(Medias Miroir)(Paris)-(Image:Ronald Reagan, former us president).

(…)-US history can remind us the predominant fact that former us president (Ronald Reagan) was the most racist when we keep on checking the facts in first hand news terms:Furthermore,former us president (Ronald Reagan) caught on newly un earthed tape calling (Africans) at the (UN)(« Monkeys ») in american history!

-(Reminder of Facts):

-It has emerged that former US President (Ronald Reagan) once described (Africans) delegates to the united nations as (« Monkeys »), a revelation that analysts say should reignite the conversations about presidential views on race.
-(Reagan) made this comment in (1971) while serving as governor of (California) newly-unearthed tapes released by a us Magazine (the ATLANTIC) have shown:It was (october 1971), and the united nations(UN) has just voted to recognize the people’s republic of (China) but has expelled(TAIWAN), was enraged that delegations from (AFRICA) at the (UN) did not support the us position that (TAIWAN) should be recognized as an independent state.He was apparently further frustrated upon seeing member of the (tanzanian)(african) delegation celebrating the (UN) decision to support (CHINA) over (TAIWAN).REAGAN called the then-president(RICHARD NIXON) the followinG day ti vent his anger over the development.