
-(« ADA OGOCHUKUWU EHI ») simply known by her stage name(Pseudonym) as (« ADA) is a Nigerian born  pan african gospel music artist who is still trying to bring her spiritual message to the five corners in the world with an attractive sweet voice!Music remains fundamentally psychology and spirituality to some extent, in consequence (ADA) is a kind of missionary on earth when praising and giving thanks to the most high.With (ADA), the days of the ennemy holding you in bondage are over spiritually.In the same trend, those people in disguise with their flesh heart(no Love in their heart), that try to push you down, can’t keep your destiny eternally:Definitely, (God) has the final say!Let’s listen to Lyrics like:(« Cheta »),(« Only you can do what no man can do »),(« Jesus, you’re able »),(« On my matter) and many more:(« Check it out on) (« You tube »)(From the Chief Editor)(Yves T Bouazo)(« Image »):(ADA)