(« Memory »):(« Tribute to the Great « Walter Rodney »)!!!


(…)-(Closely with (« Face 2 to Face Africa)-(The Title, subtitle, extra addition and conclusion are from our Staff)(« Medias Miroir »)(Paris)-(« Image »: »Walter Rodney »)

(Reminder of Facts):

-Banned in (Jamaica) and assassinated in his home country of (Guyana), here’s why (Walter Rodney), an intellectual and black scholar regarded as one of the caribbean’s most brillant minds, (Rodney) left a mark with his fight against (« Racism and Capitalism »):Down the line, he was a committed freedom fighter who never gave up nor surrender!It’s our Tribute to a great Black man who marked the spot in the struggle!Definitely, they have gone, won’t be forgotten because the struggle continues!