Editorial:Africa IS not Poor,Africa Is Being Looted ,So Free Africa! »From Yves T Bouazo,Chief Editor.


-« Notes From the Chief Editor And Managing Director », Yves T Bouazo .

-Africa IS a rich continent(raw materials , mineral and Human resources) but the Controversy goes on due to Lack 0f GOvernement,Greed,rampant Corruption and Lack Of Unification.Pan african Leader ,former And first Prrésident Of Ghana(1956-1966), Osagiefo Kwame N’krumah put it: »United we stand and divided We fall »…

-The second Predominant fact IS grounded on Sovereignty.Unfortunately, nowadays,Independence between Countries also clouds the Issue Of SovereigntY. In the trend,the expanding range Of international commitments taken On by nation-states reduces the Room for manœuvre available to Governments.Moreover,the emergence Of International Organisations such as the European Community, IMF,World bank, etc Which Has the ability to bypass national Parliaments In some areas,Also threatens traditional Ideas Of Sovereignty.

-Definitely, Free Africa and the emergence Of commmitted and visionary Young African Leaders today Such as Assimi Goita,Sonko,Ibrahim Traore etc Is a Hope for Africa.In consequence,We are Change Makers and must be the Masters Of our Destiny By Any Means Available!