(Breaking News): »Laurent Gbagbo » Welcome Back Home,Sweet Home,There is no better Place like Sweet Home »!


-« Notes From the Chief Editor »-« Yves T Bouazo ». »Photo »: »Laurent Gbagbo’s arrival today (june 17th) at the airport in « Abidjan-Ivory coast ».(Hour:15h 45 GMT)

-In every calamity, there is an opportunity, the saying goes!Furthermore, see, it’s no inbetween, you’re either free or you’re a slave!In consequence, we, africans, have dared to be free, so let us dare to be so by ourselves and for ourselves as well.

-In the same trend, consciousness and knowledge make a proud and concious leader unfit to be a legal slave.

-Definitely,Former proud and conscious ivorian head of state, »Laurent Gbagbo » is free and back home, sweet home, there is no better place like sweet home today « June 17th » after 10 years of captivity, behind the bars in the « Netherlands »!