
-(NOTES FROM THE CHIEF EDITOR AND MANAGING DIRECTOR)(Yves T Bouazo)-(« image »:Youth fom america and their immoral dressing style »)

We must not take for granted the fact that we live today in a global village,in communication and cultural terms:Furthermore,the world has been compressed into a television set:In consequence,american or british youth fashion can be exported worldwide fastly worldwide!In addition to that crucial fact,the world has also been shrunk by the youth of today in mass travel,as a result,tourism is now the world’S largest industry!Down the line,youth from(New york city,Washinghton,Atlanta,London,Lagos,Johannesburg,ABIDJAN,Accra) can appropriate the world fashion and culture:Let’S see how the youth of today dress in an immoral spirit!

-(« The Elder can be helpful »)!

So what are the elders doing to help the lost youngest black youth of today and their immoral dressing style?They need mentors and models who are willing to teach and train them by instiling good values in their Minds!Moreover, those boys do that so they can feel like they are part of Something.The fundamental question is:(« what’s being done to help them?
-We need to go back to our roots,so that our ancestors can be proud of you:in other words,be yourself,no one else.Think about it brothers and sisters because it is no use if you gain the world and lose your soul…