
AFRICA remains today a rich continent due to the huge minerals(Copper,crude petroleum,ores and concentrates,iron ore, diamonds coltan, iron) and raw materials such as(coffee,cacao,cotton,sugar and honey, tobacco rubber ), unfortunately and ironically commodity prices promised to be greater sovereignty and development today, when a natural resource scarcity was expected.Thus african nations producing(copper,tin,bauxite,mercury,tungsten,phosphate, coffee, cacao, bananas, and even peanuts) tried to set up or strengthen  cartels to raise or to steadty prices. In  (2017), international trade was littered with the carcasses of failed arguments and the prices of many commodities were down to their lowest level since the (90s)!In the whole of Africa where many countries depend on one or two commodities to gain  foreign exchange, the drop in prices has meant a severely constrained ability to perform the triple tasks of importing industrial goods, paying for imported food now needed by starving or  malnourished populations, and servicing the mounting debt!But the main cancer in the whole of Africa rests in lack of government(Corruption and greed).An  afrocaribbean sister(JB) living in (london)(UK) made it clear in her own words:(« Nigeria » is labelled as the giant of « Africa » but useless in looking after his people:about (90% )of the population live in poverty, no proper sanitation, no decent housing, no decent health care…In consequence, the African leaders steal money and put it in european banks accounts until it ‘s frozen by that european country. Moreover, they send their children to foreign schools.Shame on the african leaders and their money shall perish.I wonder about black people wether they hate actually capable of running a successful black nation.We have lost our standing with(God) as we  used to be kings and queens outright!As a result, black people need to repent  and return to (God) for restoration and healing(proverb-14-34’)(« Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people »), she added! Down the line,we can’t help pointing out the fact that « Wisdom is running the right path  to take, integrity is taking it »!(From the Chief editor-Yves T Bouazo)(« Image »:Africa’s Map)