(USA):(-« Covid-19 »-« The Governor of « New York »(« Cuomo ») Thanks « Rihanna » for her Financial Support

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(..)-Pop star (Rihanna) made great strides to help amid the (Covid-19) pandemic and the assistance didn’t go unnoticed:

-(Reminder of the facts):

-On thursday(March-26),, New york city governor(« Cuomo ») thanked the pop titan (RIHANNA) for her relief efforts,which included a donation of (5 Millions dollars) as well as personnal protection équipement for (New york city):(« i want to thank (Rihanna’s foundation for donating personal protective equipment to (New york state »), we ‘re so appreciative of your help and that of many others who have stepped up,, he tweeted.

-Down the line, (Rihanna) remains an asset to the collective!In consequence, she is a great blessed woman!