(« US-Breaking News »):(« Donald Trump » To date the « Black Community »)!


-(« In Collaboration with Edwars J Blacke »)-(« The Title is from our Staff »)-(« Image »: »Donald Trump suurounde with a group of black supporters).

-(« Trump Tells Black History Event he deserves (100%) Support »)!

-President (Donald Trump) told a cheering group of Black supporters that he deserves (10à%) support for his record on issues impacting african americans:(Trump) regaled the white house black history month celebration (thursday nigh) with an accounting of economic statistics and legislation victories on criminal justice reform and funding for historically black colleges.I just want to congratulate the black community because what you have done in the progress you’ve made over the last free years!(Trump) said in the white house east room:The african american poverty has plummeted to the lowest level in the history of our country, (Trump) said!
-There are food numbers, i don’t know, i mean, i should be at (100%), that to tell you, right?
The crow repeatedly chanted:(4) years more!!!