(« 2019-2020 »)(« Media Mirror »):(« Best Reggae Artist »)- (« Duane Stephenson »)!(« Good Vocalist Indeed)!


-(« Notes from the Chief Editor and Managing Director)-(« Yves T Bouazo »)-(« Image »: »Duane Stephenson »)

-Reggae music remains fundamentally Psychology, in consequence if you don’t know it , you can’t feel it deep inside, someone made it clear in his own creation:Moreover, it’s a confort to the third world daily oppressed and in other words, a hope for the forsaken and sad sufferers at the bottom of the society, around the world!But Love songs are also taking higher ground in the Reggae anthology:(« Duane Stephenson ») is our (Best Reggae Music Maker) for the Year (2019-2020) grounded on a peculiar voice and some sweet lyrics such as:(« Heaven will rise up »), (« Return to me »), ( « think twice, an unprecedented cover in a reggae innovative version) and many more…Let Reggae beats hit you and feel no pain!